When you can not afford a holiday at sea and the heat is unbearable, you have to put your imagination to contribute.
Two teenagers from Russia have found a solution to get rid of the fiery hot weather. The two have transformed one of the rooms of an apartment in a real pool.

I think they will be happier with some ladies around
They covered the entire room, furniture and electrical installations with a nylon-like material, and then they filled the room with water.
Images of living room of an apartment,transformed into the pool, in the city of Oryol became viral as soon as they were posted on the internet. Boys received many congratulatory messages from internet users, but there were also a few who have branded them as … “idiots”.

What, he thinks he’ll show up in a magazine?
“Water is about a foot tall. I wonder if neighbors will gather to give them a lesson, “said a man on a social network. “I hope that outlets be well above water level,” added another user.
The two were photographed while swimming in makeshift extremely proud of their success. Now the big question is how and if they manage to bring water out and if things in the room have suffered any damage. Besides the used nylon cover may tear, such large amounts of water can be removed only with a special pump.

Very proud of their accomplishment

Very happy russians with their in house pool
The identity of the two men remains unknown, they become unwilling to provide the address of the apartment in the pool. Certainly, neighbors who live on the lower floor are not too excited by the creativity of young people.
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